Voice and Performance Training for Yoga Teaching


My book is based on the work I have been doing with yoga teachers in groups and individual coaching sessions. It makes a great addition to any teacher training program reading list.

Individual coaching is currently in Vienna or via live video call and available as a single or package of sessions.


Voice & Performance Coaching for Yoga Teachers (or anyone who wants to improve speaking skills!)

One-off session 75 minutes


Package of 3 sessions of 60 minutes each




“Sarah is so knowledgeable and someone who I felt I could trust and listen to and release inhibitions and fears. Fab lady.” _ – Julia Woodward, workshop participant 2018


“The course was good and it is really needed for yoga teachers. Inspirational and more ‘actor’ practice adds value to people and their communication.” – Ann Goodin, workshop participant 2017


“Loved, loved, loved this workshop. A good balance of practical and theory. It could be an overwhelming day if too much individual in front of the group, but it totally wasn’t overwhelming at all.”– Shannon Cant, yoga teacher of over 5 years, participant in weekend training April 2018


Bring Sarah’s work to your next training, studio or festival:

Group work can be taught as in-house training for teachers, modules on teacher training programs or stand alone workshops.

The material can be tailored for each group and ranges from 3 hours to 3 days.


The following example of material can be adapted to fit shorter time slots as needed.


In this two day-long workshop, we will explore vocal and physical theatre techniques to improve your ability to present your teaching. This workshop aims to give concrete tools to develop your unique voice. The second day will build upon the first and give you more space to take this work further. Students from previous years are welcome to join in the second day.

The art of teaching is a craft that entails bringing your whole self to what you do. Suitable for all teachers and teachers-in-training, we will explore voice and physical theatre techniques to improve your teaching presence. We will also discuss the role of being a yoga teacher, and how to express more of your true self with your students in a meaningful way. We all have some level of anxiety that comes with teaching; public speaking is the number one fear for most people. Facing your fears mindfully and learning to see the process as valuable is a way to bring a yogic approach to your development as a teacher.

Holding space authentically requires strong and receptive awareness, similar to the awareness an actor needs on stage. This work will give you concrete tools to develop your unique voice, as well as learning how to improve your tone, musicality, diction, projection and ability to care for your voice. As a professional teacher your voice is your most valuable asset; over use or misuse can lead to missed classes. If you want to teach, you need to learn how to protect your instrument. During the day, you will have a chance to receive individual feedback on ways to help improve your vocal skills, build awareness of language habits, and ways to clarify teaching. Lots of fun warm-ups and exercises to increase comfort with improvisation and responding to the moment will break the ice and help you move from fear to confidence getting up in front of groups.

The second day will build upon the first and give you more space to take this work further. Students from previous years are welcome to join in the second day.

Day 1

  • Body language
  • Voice Anatomy and Technique: Finding your safe and clear sound -How people learn best: reaching visual, audio and kinesthetic learners -Understanding your place on the stage: sight lines, floor work and acoustics
  • Improvisation and being present with the students in the room
  • Embracing the practice of teaching: journaling and self-care

Day 2

  • Role Playing
  • Individual Coaching
  • Beyond Improvisation: playing each moment
  • Your unique voice- owning your power by speaking your truth
  • Language- why what you say matters and less is more
  • Boundaries and the role of the teacher

Not thoroughly covered in most trainings, these skills are vital to being a great teacher. This work is appropriate for teachers at any stage in their career. Come prepared to play with your edges and surprise yourself!


Previous locations:


The Life Centre, In-House Training for Teachers: London

Yogaworks 300 Hour Advanced TT, Paros Greece

Train with Sarah