Restorative Yoga Trainings

August 26 – 29, 2024

Salzburgerland, Austria

Details and Booking Click Here

Module 1

November 29 – December 1, 2024

Vienna, Austria


Learn to teach and practice Restorative Yoga with a fuller understanding of your body/mind and how to relax. This training is meant for anyone looking for tools to create calm and ease through yoga practice.

Learn the most effective yoga for relaxation and a balancing stress levels. 

Open to serious yoga students and teachers of all movement styles, as well as complimentary therapists and healthcare professionals.

Most of the diseases facing Western society are stress related, it is the number one health concern in modern life. Ease is the opposite of disease, it is the ability to relax and to live well. Finding ease in our bodies and minds is not easy because we have not been taught the importance or techniques of relaxation. In our busy lives this skill is a key to our wellbeing. Restorative Yoga is needed now more than ever. The ability to help students and clients learn to relax is vital.

This training covers the science and practice of Restorative yoga, so you will be able to deepen your own practice then share it with others. You will learn the physiology of relaxation, related current research and how to integrate this into your life. The yoga poses focus on healing through rest and the profound experience of being in contrast to doing. Most importantly, you will learn self-care and tools to lead a balanced life.

Topics include

• How to use props effectively

• Physiology of relaxation

• Understanding functional anatomy in the context of passive yoga

• Comprehension of  stress response and nervous system

• Mindfulness meditation to help students and clients relax

• Ethics of teaching

• Observing alignment and understanding where and how to offer adjustments for improving alignment

• Managing your own energy and avoiding burnout

  • Safe and effective yoga poses for students dealing with a variety of health concerns

Techniques for body and mind to rest are introduced alongside proper alignment for each pose we learn. You will gain the skills to offer your students ways to shift from stress to ease, and a clear understanding of the nervous system. You will leave knowing how to guide people towards an experience of deep rest in a Restorative pose and the principles of Restorative yoga.

Our focus on the last day will be on the practicalities of teaching Restorative yoga in both group and private settings. 

Curriculum approved by Judith Hanson Lasater and graduates will be eligible for Level 2 with Judith.

 From previous graduates:

“Fully recommendable teacher training, very useful, interesting and inspiring!” -Jasmin

“Great teacher, very knowledgeable, she’s great at bringing her point across. I can’t wait for the next training with Sarah!” -Denise



Sample Formats:

4 Day Live & Online Intensive

2 Weekend Modules

Weekend Retreat Modules 


Module 1

Techniques for body and mind to rest are introduced alongside proper alignment for each pose we learn. You will gain the skills to offer your students ways to shift from stress to ease, and a clear understanding of the nervous system. You will leave the weekend knowing how to give people an experience of deep rest in a Restorative pose and the principles of Restorative yoga.

Module 2

Our focus will be on the practicalities of teaching Restorative yoga in both group and private settings. We will continue to practice and learn more poses, looking also at the anatomy of the body in each pose. We will discuss Ayurveda for sequencing a class, how to recognise body types and which poses work best for different people. This weekend is a time to delve deeper, giving teachers the confidence to teach Restorative poses with precision and empathy.


30 hours Yoga Alliance CE Certification

Full attendance, written report and additional fee of €100 directly to Sarah.

Qualification for CE credits through Yoga Alliance only to those with certificate.


Sample Schedule for Weekend Retreat Format

A chance to truly rest in the beauty of nature with ample time to practice, study and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

This format offers you the chance to invite along a partner or friend to participate in the group classes, so you can share a weekend away or take the time for solitude.


from 3pm Arrival and Welcome

5 – 7pm Group Yoga

7:30pm Dinner


8 – 10am Morning Group Yoga


12 – 3pm Teacher Training Study

4 – 6pm Afternoon Group Yoga



8 – 10am Morning Group Yoga


1 – 3:30pm Teacher Training Study

4 – 6pm Afternoon Group Yoga



8 – 10am Morning Group Yoga


12 – 3pm Teacher Training Study

Train with Sarah